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The Renewal

Museum of Warsaw’s May 2017 opening marked the successful completion of an extraordinary 3-year makeover. It transformed the entire north wall of Warsaw’s Old Town Market Square, along with more than 3000 square metres of MoW interiors.
The project officially called “The Modernization, Conservation and Digitisation of Historical Facilities of the Museum of Warsaw’s Principal Seat at the Old Market Square [Rynek Starego Miasta] in Warsaw” was completed thanks to the generous support funding under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism in “The Conservation and Revitalisation of Cultural Heritage” programme area. The support was provided by the Norwegian Funds and the EEA funds from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, as well as local resources.
The net cost of this investment was PLN 49 834 621.00, of which PLN 15 313 320.00 in support funding. The total project cost stood at PLN 60 297 591.00 (over EUR 14 million).

The below news items document projects financed within the scope of the programme.