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21.06.2023 / Activities, News

Listen to the Museum

Listen to the Museum

It is a project realised in the winter semester 2022/2023 in cooperation with the Polonicum Centre for Polish Language and Culture and the Arts and Humanities Doctoral School at the University of Warsaw.

As part of the project, foreign students learn Polish for an entire semester at the Museum of Warsaw. 60-hour long course is run at both the University and the Museum. It is accompanied by a research study under the same name.

The students discover the history and culture of Warsaw through the artefacts on display in the exhibition. While getting to know the institution and its expositions from the point of view of the Museum staff, they develop their own artistic intervention in the form of audio guides to the core exhibition rooms of their choice.

The official opening of the intervention will take place on 16 March 2023 at 5.30 PM at the Museum of Warsaw.

The authors of audio guides are: Nikita Bogdanovich, Antonina Bratuhina, Stafaniya Buyakevich, Natali Chintalyan, Victoria Chymshyt, Valeriia Dibrova, Anastasiia Kostina, Kseniia Kovalenko, Anna Oliinyk, Egor Polishchuk, Mariia Shcherbak, Veronika Svitina, Svitlana Tkachuk, Johanna Turno

Listen in Polish here: muzeumwarszawy.pl/wsluchaj-sie-w-muzeum/

The texts are written and recorded in Polish by their authors, so the visitors will also be able to hear their voices.