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We collect and study photographs from the very first attempts at taking pictures to present-day experiments. We organise meetings, discussions, workshops and exhibitions.

Our collection consists of thousands of inspiring photos—you can get acquainted with their history on Instagram @centrum_fotografii

Czarno-biała fotografia pary na dachu budynk.Kobieta stoi, patrzy przez lornetkę i śmieje się, obok niej leży mężczyzna w okularach i eleganckim ubraniu, za nimi widoczna panorama miasta, oraz duża kopuła budynku. Po lewej stronie zdjęcia pionowy, dekoracyjny, jasnoniebieski pasek, który może przypominać prześwietlenie filmu fotograficznego lub barwne zniszczenie negatywu.
Visual identification: Joanna Bębenek, based on a photo by Zdzisław Marcinkowski, c. 1925, Mieczysław Orłowicz with an unknown woman at the roof of Goldstand tenement house. From the Museum of Warsaw collection.

The Centre for Photography is the Museum of Warsaw’s new initiative aimed at promoting interest in photography.

Our team is made up of people who conduct research as well as engage in conservation, promotion and education in the field of photography. Together, we build a database of information on both historic and contemporary photography. A unique collection of thousands of photos—both professional and amateur—forms the core of our operation.

We will organise meetings, debates, workshops and events revolving around photography. We wish to build a community of people who are creative and curious about the world.

We also wish to develop grassroots initiatives and to support photographic projects of people who are at the very beginning of their artistic journey. More information will follow soon.

Do you have some extra knowledge about the photos we publish? Do contact us by writing an email to: kolekcje@muzeumwarszawy.pl

Centre for Photography is a beneficiary of the Norway Grant and the EEA Grants.
