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Wed, 28.08.2024

Muzeum Warszawy
free admission

ACADEMY OF MIGRANT ARTS: Flauta Caucana with Manuel

ACADEMY OF MIGRANT ARTS: Flauta Caucana with Manuel

Join us for the Academy of Migrant Arts – a series of workshops on handicrafts from different parts of the world. The workshops will be led by people living in Poland with experience of migration. The Warsaw Museum is a partner of the Academy.

We invite you to participate in the Academy of Migrant Arts – a series of workshops on handicrafts from different parts of the world. The workshops will be led by people living in Poland with experience of migration. The Academy’s partner is the Museum of Warsaw.

At the next workshop we will meet Manuel, a Colombian artist. We will make small instruments called flauta caucanas. We will also talk about music in the daily life of Colombians, the roots of the traditional sound of this region and listen to other instruments.

The workshop will be led by Manuel Alfredo Manrique Aldana. Originally from Bogota, Colombia, grew up in the Colombian mountains, now he lives in Warsaw.

The workshop will be conducted in Spanish, English and Polish, but we invite people from any part of the world, we are sure to be able to communicate.

Participation in the workshop is free, the number of places is limited.

Advance registration is required: tel. 692-913-993, email: zapisy@forummigracyjne.org

Please enter “Flautas” in the subject line of the email.

*On Thursdays you can visit the Warsaw Museum free of charge, if you have time before the workshop – you are welcome.

The project is financed by the City of Warsaw.

Registration for the event

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