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Sat, 13.04.2024

Film projection
Muzeum Warszawy

Polish Sketch | Timeless Film Festival Warsaw

Polish Sketch | Timeless Film Festival Warsaw

As part of the Timeless Film Festival Warsaw, in the Framing the City section, we will show an amateur recording of a few Polish travels by Maurice Bekaert.

Polish Sketch is an amateur recording of a few Polish travels by Maurice Bekaert. He was a Belgian lawyer and salesman who also had a passion for filmmaking. During his visits in Poland, he recorded materials about the everyday life in cities such as Warsaw, Gdynia, Częstochowa and Toruń, as well as provincial towns and villages. This unique material is a nostalgic journey into the Republic of Poland in the 1920s. In 1931 Maurice Bekaert was honoured with the Order of Polonia Restituta for promoting Polish culture.

Up until just a few years ago the film was virtually unknown. It was discovered in 2018 in the Royal Film Archives in Belgium. It was digitally restored in the FINA laboratories and shown to the Polish public for the first time only in 2021.

The screening will be announced by Michał Pieńkowski, who has been cooperating with the National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institute since 2007, where he works as a filmographer and takes care of the pre-war film collection.

The musical accompaniment will be provided by the violinist Grzegorz Gadziomski.

Free admission. Entrance tickets for all screenings on a given day will be available one hour before the start of the first screening of that day. A maximum of two entrance tickets per screening can be collected.

The screening will be in Polish with English subtitles.

Accessibility: people with mobility disabilities

Descriptions: Michał Pieńkowski

More information about Timeless Film Festival Warsaw: timelessfilmfestival.pl

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