29.03.2022 / News, Rynek 30 Gallery
Rynek 30 Gallery

Rynek 30 Gallery is a venue for young artists.
The gallery was created in a lounge of one of the tenement houses in the Old Town Square.
This new venue displays work by young artists and curators who address topics that are relevant and important from the point of view of residents of Warsaw. It is also a place of cooperation with NGOs, research and educational institutions.
We Didn’t Have a Lucky Star, We Lit Our Own. Warsaw Herstories
15 September 2022 – 29 January 2023

Rynek 30 Gallery, a space dedicated to young artists and young curators, invited students from the Faculty of Management of Visual Culture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw to create an exhibition about women who made a difference in social, political and cultural life. More information.
У нас не було щасливої зірки, ми запалили свою. Варшавські їїсторії
Галерея Ринок, 30 – простір для діяльності молодих митців: художниць і художників, а також кураторів, запросила студенток і студентів Факультету менеджменту візуальною культурою Академії образотворчого мистецтва підготувати виставку про жінок, завдяки яким відбулися зміни в суспільно-політичному та культурному житті. Дізнатися більше.
Olga Micińska: The Guild
3 March – 28 August 2022

The Guild exhibition tells the story of a still non-existent guild of female carpenters and joiners – women who work with wood. According to the tradition of German travelling guilds, which is still alive today, an apprentice, having completed his training, would set off on a journey, travelling from one commission to another.
Olga Micińska turned the space of the Rynek 30 Gallery into a makeshift stop along the way of the imaginary ”guild” members. More information.

Sayam Gosh: How a Forest Returns
22 September 2021 – 30 January 2022

The exhibition launched the operation of Rynek 30 Gallery.
How a Forest Returns is a story about a unique experiment which has been going on for the past 60 years and involves Kampinos Forest, where a forest biosphere has been restored on an unprecedented scale. More information.